Learners will be able…
… to work together on a collective objective in a democratic way.
You need:
- 30 minutes
- Tutor with the whole class
- Flip chart or board for tutor to write and display suggested rules
Instructions (Step-by-Step)
- The tutor will ask learners to propose classroom rules, for discussion and approval by the whole group.
- The tutor will ensure the rules are appropriate for the learner group. For young people, the rules could include:
- No shouting in the classroom
- Tidying up after each activity
- Keeping the classroom clean and free of papers on the floor
- Saying please, thank you etc.
- Taking good care of classroom materials and equipment.
- Turn taking
- Helping the tutor when asked to do so
- Paying attention during activities.
- For every rule put forward, for example "Keep the classroom clean...", the tutor will ask the other classmates for their opinion on what the rule means to ensure it is properly understood.
- After a rule has been explained, the tutor will ask for a show of hands from the group. If there is a majority in favour of the rule, it will become a classroom rule. The tutor should point out that once the majority of the class approve the rule, they will have to commit to abide by it.
- The tutor should review the activity and explain how learners have used democracy to come to set of common rules for the whole group.
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