Learners will be able…
… to recognise behaviours that result in a high CO2 footprint.
… to counteract their CO2 footprint through environmentally friendly actions.


You need:

  • 15 minutes
  • 1-25 people (no limit)
  • PC/Smartphone/Tablet and internet connection


Instructions (Step-by-Step)

  • Go to https://imprintplus.org/app
  • Go to the converter. This web tool helps you and your learners to understand your environmental impact in seven categories: travelling, clothing, showering, paper, electronic entertainment, fast food and waste.
  • Answer the question provided – it is completely anonymous!
  • A recommendation how to offset your CO2 footprint pops up as well as an interesting fact about the respective topic.
  • Discuss the results with your learners and make a pact to implement some of the actions together!