Learners will be able…
… to identify the ways small acts effect people/environment within their ecosystem.
… understand significant change can be brought upon by a vast number of small but consistent steps in a certain direction.
… to reflect on their own contribution to change within different aspects of life.
… to identify different ways an individual can contribute to and is responsible for co-determining social reality.
You need:
- 15 minutes
- At least 2 people
Instructions (Step-by-Step)
- Ask the learners to think about a time they experienced an act of kindness. When sharing their story, ask them about the details of the event.
- What happened?
- Who was involved?
- What was the outcome?
- How did that make them feel?
- Have them try to imagine that event had never taken place.
- What difference would it bring to them (or a third party)?
- In comparison, what difference would not having done the act of kindness mean to the person involved in the act?
- What do they believe was the person’s motivation?
- How do they imagine they felt about, before, during and after the event?
- Set a daily/weekly challenge for the learners – have them actively choose to identify potential opportunities to help/bring about a positive change in another.
- Ask them to write it down and share with the rest of the learners in the next lesson.
- Discuss their experience. Are they inspired by others’ acts? Talk about the snowball effect (perhaps, if you and the learners are familiar with it, you can share the experience in the movie “Pay It Forward”).
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